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Watch Godzilla - Attack All Monsters (1969) Online Free Download

Watch Godzilla - Attack All Monsters (1969) Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Godzilla - Attack All Monsters
  • Year: 1969
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 3.9
  • Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Family
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Summary Godzilla - Attack All Monsters (1969)

A latchkey child living in the industrial city of Kawasaki confronts his loneliness through his escapist dreams of Monster Island and friendship with Minilla.

Ichiro is a highly imaginative, but lonely, boy growing up in urbanized and industrial district of Kawasaki. Every day he comes home to the empty apartment he shares with his railroad worker father and his restaurant hostess mother, his only friends being a toy maker name Shinpei Inami and a girl named Sachicko. Ichiro finds himself the victim of a gang kids led by a bully nicknamed Gabara. To escape his loneliness, Ichiro turns to escapist fantasies and imagines himself on Monster Island and befriending Minillia, the son of Godzilla. Through his friendship with Minilla, Ichiro confronts his solitude and face his fears.

Synopsis Godzilla - Attack All Monsters (1969)

In the industrial city of Kawasaki, smokestacks pump smog into the air as traffic pollutes with exhaust. A young boy named Ichiro Miki is making his way home with his friend Sachiko after being teased by some bullies passing by. Ichiro greets his father, train conductor Kenkichi, and heads off with Sachiko to an abandoned factory. Ichiro's father meets with a coworker and discusses his concern as both he and his wife are unable to spend time with their son due to work. They notice a huge robbery has occurred in the paper. Sachiko warns Ichiro not to sneak in as he is surrounded by a group of bullies led by a boy nicknamed "Gabara." Sachiko is soon taken by her mother as Ichiro is left alone. The bullies take a vacuum tube that Ichiro had found earlier and tell him he can have it back if he honks the horn on the bike of a nearby sign-painter. Ichiro refuses and runs away as the bullies jeer at him.

Ichiro arrives at his apartment and goes to visit his neighbor Shinpei Minami, a toy-maker who is designing a kiddy computer. As Shinpei tests it out, the computer discusses the Apollo landings on the moon. However, Ichiro is unimpressed, mentioning that he'd prefer to visit Monster Island instead and see monsters like Godzilla, Rodan, and Minilla. He then tells Shinpei about his troubles with the bully Gabara as Shinpei encourages Ichiro to stand up for himself. Realizing it's getting late, Ichiro heads back home where he has to prepare his own dinner and sees a news report of the prior bank robbery. Disinterested, he decides to play with a toy radio and pretends to contact Monster Island, imagining himself traveling to the island on a passenger jet.

He soon spots Godzilla engaged in a battle with three Kamacuras. Ichiro then climbs and spots other monsters he's familiar with, Gorosaurus, Manda, Anguirus, and a Giant condor which soon attacks Godzilla. After a brief scuffle, Godzilla blasts the condor into the sea with a shot of his atomic ray. Ichiro is then chased by a surviving Kamacuras and falls down a deep hole. He struggles to climb out when a vine is lowered and lifts him out. Ichiro is surprised to find a human-sized Minilla, Godzilla's son. Minilla wonders if Ichiro's parents will get worried, to which Ichiro responds that he often spends his time alone due to their constant work schedule. The pair are interrupted by an onniesque monster named Gabara, which Ichiro discovers is also bullying Minilla.

Having fallen asleep, Ichiro is awakened by Shinpei to tell him that his mother won't be able to make it home that night. Not surprised, Ichiro wanders outside where he encounters Gabara's gang again and runs away. He escapes into the abandoned factory as the bullies are distracted by a police car. Inside, Ichiro finds a headset and a driver's license. Loud sirens send him running out of the factory as the two bank robbers, Senbayashi and Okuda, emerge from hiding. Senbayashi berates Okuda for losing his license and sends him to follow Ichiro to get it back. Okuda follows Ichiro to Shinpei's used car for sale but is startled off by the police. Ichiro eats dinner with Shinpei, who's warned about the robbers.

In his dreams, Ichiro arrives back on Monster Island and is chased by Gabara. He escapes and meets up with Minilla, who much like Ichiro, doesn't spend much time with his father Godzilla. The pair watch as Godzilla takes on Ebirah. After Godzilla defeats the crustacean, he heads off to confront the giant arachnid, Kumonga. Minilla then spots Gabara and, inspired by his father's bravery, decides to fight the monster as he grows into a giant, although still smaller than Gabara. Minilla is forced to retreat with Ichiro as the pair spot Godzilla destroy a squadron of fighter jets. Godzilla calls for his son as he attempts to teach Minilla to fire his atomic ray. Godzilla steps on Minilla's tail to achieve his atomic blast as Ichiro cheers him on. Suddenly, Ichiro is grabbed by a plant monster as he awakens to find himself being kidnapped by the two robbers.

Taken to the abandon factory, Ichiro is berated by Senbayashi as Okuda breaks into Shinpei's car. Ichiro spots a hole in the floor and covers it with newspapers as he escapes into his dreams about Monster Island. He spots Minilla in a losing battle against Gabara as the monster bully has Godzilla's son pinned. Ichiro saves his friend by pushing a boulder onto Minilla's tail, causing an atomic ray blast. Minilla evades from Gabara as he flees to Godzilla. However, Godzilla wants Minilla to stand up to his bully as the young monster is sent to attack Gabara head-on. But Gabara manages to overpowered Minilla, who retreats to Ichiro. Ichiro suggests that Minilla use a fallen tree as a see-saw to propel Gabara into the air. The plan is a success as Gabara is launched into the air and crashes with a massive thud. Ichiro and Godzilla congratulate Minilla. Suddenly, Gabara attacks Godzilla as the King of the Monsters beats Gabara down. Gabara tries to use his electrical powers but Godzilla flips him over and forces Gabara to flee. Godzilla then approaches Ichiro, startling the boy who is awaken by Senbayashi.

Okuda returns, having hijacked Shinpei's car. The pair plan to use the boy as a hostage to escape from the police. As the thieves try to get the car running, Ichiro breaks free and races back into the factory as the robbers split up to find him. Shinpei then spots the stolen car and is stunned when he finds the stolen money. He calls the police as Ichiro hides from the thieves. Ichiro manages to trick Okuda into falling through the hole as Senbayashi arrives to confront the child. Senbayashi then pulls a knife on Ichiro as the boy arms himself with a fire extinguisher. Inspired Minilla's courage, Ichiro sprays the crook an buys enough time for the police to arrive and arrest the criminals.

The next morning, Ichiro is having a meal with his mother as she apologizes to her son for leaving him alone. Ichiro mentions how he can take care of him self. As he heads off to school, his mother breaks down crying. Outside, Ichiro is confronted by reporters and surprises them by telling them it was Minilla who inspired his bravery. As the boy leaves, Shinpei explains that, much like how adults believe in gods, monsters like Minilla serve a similar role for children.

Ichiro meets up with Sachiko when they are stopped by Gabara and his gang again. Ichiro takes a stand and fights off the bully. He then runs to the sign-painter to honk his motorcycle's horn, causing the painter to fall and spill paint all over himself. Ichiro runs off with the painter in pursuit. Ichiro runs into his father and explains to him how he owes the painter an apology. Ichiro then heads off with the rest of the kids and heads off to school.
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